
Deem Expense

An application that simplifies and automates the expense reporting process, achieving better compliance and getting employees reimbursed faster.

design sample

Product Design

My Reports

The expense application allows employees to create, view, change, delete and submit expense reports. Employee objectives are to observe company spend policies and seek reimbursement.

design sample

Staff Reports

The company’s overarching view of all expense reports ever submitted, denied, approved or pending in status. Only certain employees would have access to this view of the expense application.

design sample

Pay Reports

Employees who are given approver status have access to approve and pay reports. Here is where they rein in out-of-policy spend and ensure employees are always making the best purchasing decisions.

design sample

Digital Wallet

The digital wallet collects all employee spend within the Deem platform, transactions via credit cards, or manual transactions that are initiated with receipts photos or uploads.

Once configured this tool automated the expense reporting process and minimized the manual receipt and data input task flow.

design sample


Desktop to Mobile

Customer feedback and research led to the discovery that people were creating and submitting expense reports when transactions occurred or during business trips.

design sample

A New Mobile Navigation System

Introducing the expense application into the mobile platform broke the established navigational patterns, it also required new patterns for sub navigation and permission based UI.

We had to design a new homepage and navigation experience that enabled the team to advance the full desktop experience into the mobile application.

See mobile navigation (pdf)

design sample


Expense Goes Mobile

Once the new navigation system was established, I advocated for using Lean UX to conver the complete expense desktop functionality into the mobile experience.

The prototypes were used to validate if customers understood how the expense application navigated and behaved.

Create transaction flow (prototype)